Descrizione evento

At the World Anthropological Union (WAU) Congress 2024, taking place from November 11-15, Gloria Frisone, a researcher from the University of Pavia involved in the PRIN PNRR TAIA project (Transnational Aging between Italy and Africa: Anthropological Perspectives), will present her paper titled “Toward an Epistemology of Care: The Impact of Structural Violence on This presentation is part of Panel 53, ‘Care and Anthropological Imagination.’ She was invited by organizers Lenore Manderson, Jagriti Gangopadhyay, and Jason Danley to ‘reimagine anthropology as a practice of care.’ The discussion will provide a comparative analysis of two groups of older diaspora individuals: Tunisian elders residing in Italy and affluent Italian retirees relocating to Tunisia, highlighting how structural inequalities affect their access to public and private services in the transnational landscape linking their countries of origin and residence.


Johannesburg (South Africa)/ Online Participation


Gloria Frisone

Post-Doc Research Fellow - UNIPV