
Chiara Pilotto (PhD Anthropology, University of Milano-Bicocca and EHESS-Paris) is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bologna within the project “Transnational Aging between Italy and Africa: Anthropological Perspectives” (TAIA), focusing on the impact of im/mobility and welfare policies on transnational aging between Italy and Africa. At the University of Bologna, she was also a postdoctoral researcher within the project “Genealogies of African Freedoms” (GAF, PRIN 2017), working on racism and video production and circulation among asylum seekers and migrants from Western Africa. She has conducted ethnographic research in Europe (Italy, France) and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, focusing on im/mobilities, asylum policies, refugees, work and gender issues with the aim of exploring the link of public policies, political violence and daily life. During her Ph.D. research she was a doctoral student at the Centre de Recherche Français à Jérusalem (mobility grant CNRS/MAE 2013-2014); in 2024 (March-June) she was a visiting postdoctoral researcher at CéSor/EHESS within the “Marco Polo” program of the University of Bologna. She has published various articles and book chapters on her ethnographic works. She co-edited the monographic issue “Anthropology and the Power of Silences” of the journal Ricerca Folkorica (n. 76, 2021), and she edited and translated the collection of essays by Didier Fassin, Ripoliticizzare il mondo. Studi antropologici sulla vita, il corpo e la morale (Ombre Corte, 2014).


Aging and Diaspora between Italy and Tunisia: Italian Retired People Living in Hammamet

Collective participatory meeting to discuss fieldwork findings with the retired Italian people in Hammamet.

Research activities


UNIPV research unit explores migratory trajectories of Tunisian older adults living in Italy, as well as, mobility regimes of elderly people of Italian origin living in Tunisia
