
Federica Tarabusi is Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the Department of Education Studies (University of Bologna), where she is actually director of the Professional Master "International cooperation and educational inclusion ", and part of the scientific board of the research center on Mobility Diversity and social Inclusion (MODI). Her research interests include international development, mobility and humanitarian aid in Bosnia-Herzegovina, local welfare and reception policies towards migrants, applied anthropology, movement(s) along the Balkan Route. Among her recent publications one counts: Building boundaries in making policies. Exploring the local construction of migrants in multicultural Italy (JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES 2022),  Co-navigating Migrant Reception Services: Engaging Practices of Collaborative Anthropology in Emilia-Romagna, Italy (HUMAN ORGANIZATION 2021); Development, Balkanism, and new (im)moralities in postsocialist Bosnia-Herzegovina (FOCAAL 2020), and the edited book (with Riccio B.), Incontrare le migrazioni. Spunti per l’accoglienza e inclusione di migranti, richiedenti asilo e rifugiati (Libri di Emil 2023).
